I knew when we rolled into town the agriculture would get my attention and it did. Little did I know it was the country’s largest producer of “winter lettuce.” The town is also known as being the “sunniest city” in America. We can attest to that. We can actually attest to both. We got out […]
Month: January 2020
Anxious to Explore Yuma, AZ

Yuma, AZ has been on our radar since before our house sold in 2018 and we hit the road. Just like Quartzsite, AZ was on our radar for various reasons…. so is Yuma. What’s so special about Yuma? Why do the “snowbirds” flock here (pun intended)? These were questions we had and we want to […]
Quartzsite, AZ – Meeting YouTubers/People that have made a difference!

There are times in your life where you must look past yourself for input. Sometimes, it’s total strangers that make a huge impact on your life. We were already camped at La Posa South when Trapper took the dog for a short walk… he came back and said, “Guess who’s here? You’re favorite YT’bers!” Wait […]
Quartzsite, AZ – Our fun came in many fashions… Pt 3

We found entertainment in the most simple ways…. seeing how other people live and attending the Rubber Tramp Rendevous really opened our eyes. People are so creative! We’ve seen converted buses, ambulances, a firetruck, an 18-wheeler trailer conversion, VW vans, and a motorcoach pulling a toy hauler camper. Not to mention all the home made […]
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Quartzsite, AZ – RV Upgrades and Service… Pt 2

For us, we visited the Big Tent three or four days for a few hours each day. We were getting prices, estimates, and talking to the folks of certain companies. Not to mention checking out some of the recruiters for work camping jobs in 2020. We had some service work done on our RV with […]