RV Travel Days – Love or Hate?

On travel days we both try to do the majority of our “packing up” the night before. We tend to get spread out while we’re staying somewhere so having a good bit of packing done the night before travel days helps us a lot.

I think Dezzy realizes when travel days are coming!

Our set standard is to leave our camping spot between 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. I normally fix something for a mid-morning snack the night before which consist of either breakfast burrito’s or biscuits. I wrap them in aluminum foil and toss them on the dash of the truck the morning we’re moving. This way, by the time we want them, the sun has warmed them up nicely for us.

We try to be at our next spot around 3 p.m. and set up no later than 4 p.m. We usually end our travel with Taco’s. I keep taco “meat” ready prepared in the freezer so I just take it out heat it up and there you have it! Dinner!

I bungee cord the chairs to the dining table so they don’t bounce around and the laptops ride in the drawer under the sofa in between a bunch of extra blankets we have.

Trapper goes ahead and stores our outdoor chairs, our Blackstone Griddle, the rugs, mats, solar rope lights and anything else that’s made it’s way outside. Like I said, we tend to get a little spread out!

Our RV has two overhead cabinets that are “potential accidents waiting to happen” by accidentally opening while we travel. One is over the stove and sink and the other is over the countertop.

I use these gizmo’s to ensure the cabinets don’t open and stuff comes crashing down. It was a good $5 investment because on our last trip the cabinet over the stove (which holds a lot of cooking ingredients with some in glass bottles) did bounce open and if it hadn’t been for these things I would have found everything in the floor. Imagine cleaning up olive oil, sesame seed oil, soy sauce, spices, and glass off the floor!

Our tv goes on the bed along with the printer and anything on the kitchen countertops typically gets sat down in the sink. Two of our cabinets are “secured” with our big slide so I don’t worry about those opening, other than when we open the RV back up. I have to make sure nothing fell down or out.

We move all our electronic gizmo’s to the truck to USB ports, like the MiFi (internet wifi thingy), our phones, sometimes our headsets, and anything else that needs charging while we travel. They can charge with the truck battery while we’re driving.

Trapper does the outside stuff and I do the inside stuff and then before pulling off (he typically hitches us up the night before as well) – we both check each others work.

Travel days are kind of a love/hate relationship for me. I tend to get comfortable in one spot but after about 6-7 days I’m usually ready to move on.

The worst part is making sure you don’t forget to secure something! We’ve left the shower door unsecured once, left a bucket of water in the bathroom once, and left the stool loose and it dinged up a few of the cabinets. It’s all a learning curve!!

And then we head off in the direction we think we want to go. Seldom to we have reservations because, as you will see, things don’t always go to plan.