Big Bend National Park! Day 1 – I got naked in the desert!

Hopefully, very little talking on my part – other than the story of getting naked at the Rio Grande (wait for it). 🙂

Here’s what I will say…. there are basically three routes in the Park. Be sure and get maps at the Welcome Center, pack a lunch, take plenty of water, and do all three routes! Stop at any Welcome Center/Park Ranger Station to ask questions and gas up at any of the two places available.

No matter where you look in Big Bend there is a view! You get a view going and coming back.

Our first day, we went to Panther Junction and hung a left. We checked out the Rio Village Camping spots and realized we were better off at Stillwell Ranch RV. The sites were tight at Rio Village and really not much of a view. So we decided to forego the first come – first served craziness and pay $22/night at Stillwell and drive in instead.

Trapper really wanted to see and experience the natural Hot Springs, that are right on the Rio Grande, but approaching the entrance – it clearly stated, “No oversized vehicles, dual wheels, or RV’s. Really?

I could see it on Trapper’s face as he stared at that sign… “I think I can make this.” Thank goodness he changed his mind.

The warning was a bit weak based on what we later saw. The warning should say, “ABSOLUTELY no dually’s, RV’s, or oversized vehicles.” You could really get yourself into a jam if you attempted this road in a large vehicle.

Luckily, the folks behind us stopped and asked if we wanted a ride down to the springs? We said “sure”, grabbed our bag with our swimsuits, water and off we went!

We get to the parking area and were still talking to our new friends. They were chit-chatting it up on where we should go and what to do and the Hot Springs were probably 1/4 mile down the walking path.

Being a novice, I thought there would probably be a changing area at the Hot Springs. Well, NO, there isn’t (not down at the bottom anyway -there are changing areas at the parking area) so we walk a little further up the trail, took a left into this little gully area surrounded by boulders, and got naked. “What the heck am I doing?,” was the only thing in my mind. “These hot springs better be worth all this effort!”

And the hot springs did not disappoint! They were wonderful and after about an hour we were ready to go but our friends were not – so yea, we had to hike (1.5 miles) back up to the truck. A lot of it being a steep grade. Like I said, pack plenty of water.

We saw a lot of this along our walking route to the Hot Springs. Trinkets for sale from the Mexico side. They place these all along the US side route and it’s on the honor system.
The prices are marked, you drop money into the jar, they come gather things later in the day. That was our experience.

Most of these trinkets, I’m sure, are being bought on mass import websites but, hey, you have a choice – buy or don’t buy.

The trinkets are everywhere near the Rio Grande. Yea, that little spot of water you see is the border. The town of Boquillas is just across the river and then there’s nothing for 150 miles.

Being that we were right on the border, we learned that the little town of Boquillas makes most of it’s money off tourists of Big Bend. They offer burro rides across the border or row boat crossings. Tipping is highly expected and the rides are only $5 each. Be sure and have your passport with you if you’re planning on this border crossing adventure.

Next stop was a gorgeous canyon we hiked to. But then again, there’s nothing but beauty out here!

Don’t skip the Fossil Museum while your in the park. Super interesting Ranger guided tour. It’s hard to believe I’m standing on ground that dinosaurs used to call home!

The construction of the Fossil building is amazing in itself. One of the first attractions into the park. Must see!
Markers are located everywhere and explain what you’re looking at.

And be reminded…. in the desert if it doesn’t bite you will sting or prick you! Everything has thorns on it!

Day 2 we head to the High Country of Big Bend National Park.

4 Replies to “Big Bend National Park! Day 1 – I got naked in the desert!”

  1. Glad your getting to experience this interesting trip. Have fun and enjoy. I’ll try and check in from time to time.

    1. Thanks Micki! We’re taking it really slow and enjoying ourselves. Thanks for reading.

  2. I am still laughing about the naked scene. That was a good story for imagination only. Lol

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it and got a laugh out of it!

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