The truck and More on the Emergency Fund & Thousand Trails!

So, you see we left Wickenburg, AZ heading toward Sedona/Cottonwood, AZ area. It was a simple 2 hour drive.

The truck was doing fine until we hit those 7% uphill grades that seem to go on for miles and miles. For any of you that are familiar with the Hendersonville/Asheville, NC area – it’s like Saluda Grade on steroids!

And then the truck immediately sent us into “limp mode” again – no power on the pedal or otherwise. We pulled over. Left again, twice, on the side of the road. What the heck?

At this point, I love my RV but I hate this dang Chevy Truck! And this truck was my idea. It was my purchase! It was my daily driver for over a year! But, at this point, I hate this truck! I hate the predicament it’s put us in. I’m done with this truck. I know I’m a bit emotional right now, but I’m done with this truck for now – we’ll see what our pocket book says later! 🙂

We found another Diesel shop in the Cottonwood, AZ area that scoped out the problem (hopefully). We’ll see.

It’s not all rainbows and daisy’s out here guys. Don’t ever let anyone you watch on YouTube or read their blogs tell you it is!

The emergency fund is just that. For emergencies. If we can’t pull our 5th wheel camper, we’re stuck – seriously stuck! We originally were looking for BLM land on Thousand Trails Rd outside of Cottonwood, AZ but it turns out it’s actually National Forest Land that has been shut down to camping. Hmmmm…. For the first time, in five months, we were stuck. Literally. I didn’t take any pic’s because I was so disgusted!

Verde Valley Thousand Trails were very sympathetic to our needs and found us a spot. Now, we’re approaching Easter Weekend…. The park was pretty much full unless you were a member. Did we have a choice? Not really. But, we will use the heck out of this membership! Next Winter we’ll be in Florida and we’ll be able to use the membership on the East Coast – back home! I want to go back home! Even with the humidity!

We became members of Thousand Trails Zone Passes and the Trail Collection. Another $800 on top of the $1100 truck repairs. On top of the $4200 spent in Wickenburg, AZ.

I’m not going to bore you with any more of the details of the truck issues in April. Let’s go see something fun after I regroup from the outlay of money! I suffer from separation anxiety! Separating us from our money!

Five months on the road, RVing has taught me a lot. We had our Emergency Fund in place for a reason. But, I didn’t expect to blow through most of it in the first five months. But, it’s like Trapper says, “This was going to happen eventually regardless.” Which is correct. The truck would have messed up sooner or later.