Downsizing Tips & Tactics

After the animals started leaving we got serious about all the other stuff.

I referred to our downsizing tactics as “rounds” – and we both had limited time to work on this major clean-out. I was working nights and Trapper worked days. The only “let’s work on this project together” was on the weekend.

 Round 1 – Round 1 was pretty simple. I cleaned out closets and all those nooks and crannies where things always seem to get pushed into and never seen again . This was the easiest step of all because there was no emotional attachment and I found it simple to give away/donate/etc.

I was also going through peak season at work (November/December 2016) and during those months cleaning out a closet was about all I was good for.

TIP: Start small but deliberate and stay on task.

The first closet to get cleaned out!

Round 2 – Round 2 got started in January 2017. We sat a goal of March 3rd and 4th, 2017 for our first series of yard sales. Our 1800 sq. ft. basement (which was full of furniture) never got used. If the laundry room had not been down there we would have never walked downstairs. So, I started in the basement and Trapper started outside in the barn.

Our basement – full to brim – getting set up for the first yard sale.
Trapper got started on extra things outside.

We also parked our trash trailer in the yard so as we ran across broken or unusable items we could load those for a trip to the landfill.

There was a lot of stuff outside to get rid of!

TIP: If you think you are wanting to downsize – pay attention to how you live in your home. What rooms are cluttered with stuff and you keep the door closed? Are there rooms you never go into? Is there furniture you never use? Are there pictures you hate but keep them on the wall to fill up space on said wall?

With all the various animals came their own apparatuses that needed to go. We decided that no matter where we were going to live (RV or small house) we were not going to homestead on this level again – so these things were very easy to see go.

Round 3 – the first yard sale. I advertised on Craigslist for 2 weeks prior to the sale. I took lots of pictures and updated the ad as we found more things we were getting rid of. I advertised we were starting at 8:00 a.m. and in yard sale fashion – folks were already lining the driveway by 7:30 a.m.

We put three directional signs out and one at the bottom of the driveway. Most folks told me they found it on Craigslist and/or a free app called (Yard Sale Treasure Map).

We were out there from 7:30 a.m. until about 4 p.m. with pretty non-stop traffic. And remember we lived in the boonies! Sunday we didn’t start until noon and went to 4:00 p.m. I was pretty impressed overall and we added about $3,200 to the kitty over the 2 day yard sale. Not Bad!!

TIP: Do your research on what used goods are selling for and then price yours a few bucks higher, giving yourself some wiggle room.

Also, don’t be afraid to say no to a sale. We did this on a few items and sold them later for exactly what we wanted.

Advertise! Facebook (on your own page), Facebook sale groups in your area, Marketplace, Offer Up, and of course my fav – Craigslist. When using Craigslist I didn’t post the exact address – I used the crossroad function and we then we put a directional sign up.

Round 3 was continued with another two day sale on April 1 and 2, 2017 with the last round of yard sales being September 2018 which we did on a Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun. So, yea – 8 days of yard sales! Whew, that was a job!!

Now with a lot of extra things out of the house and the barn – I kept listing items on Craiglist, and started listing on eBay as well. I hadn’t used eBay in years and was very surprised at the fee structure. However; that too turned out to be an ace for us as the audience is country wide.

Things kept leaving and I learned (for no extra charge) the USPS will actually pick up at your door during their regular delivery route. I printed shipping labels, packaged things up, and off they went! Super easy.

eBay sales going to their new owners!

TIP: Don’t be scared to at least try new venues for selling items. For me, I had zero success with OfferUp or Marketplace. 90% of what we sold was on Craiglist with smaller items (5%) being sold on eBay and another 5% to our friends/neighbors.

Our last yard sale was prior to Labor Day Weekend 2018. We had cleaned the house out, boxed up what wasn’t going to get sold, and were listing things for sale. Furniture was the biggest hurdle. Used furniture is horrible to try to get rid of. We ended up giving most of it away. Don’t be afraid of giving this away. We gave away as much as we sold.