An Impromptu Family Reunion? Really? Yes!

During our stay at Melton Hill Dam Campground we learned of a “get-together” that was going to happen in Williamsburg, KY with a couple of my husband’s cousins, aunt and uncle.

No one back home realized at this point we were bee-lining across the country to get back to Knoxville, TN and once we all realized a family gathering was happening – it was all impromptu!

The whole thing started out with two cousins, aunt and uncle and ended up with five cousins, aunt, uncle, and one spouse (me) and about 10 other’s that I honestly can’t remember the relationship! It was so much fun though! The party just kept getting bigger and bigger without really any plans at all. A lot of text messages though! LOL

We arrived in Williamburg, KY on May 16, 2019. If being at Melton Hill Dam wasn’t nostalgic enough for Trapper, remembering all the fishing trips he and his grandpa had there, now we’re literally parked behind the barn on what he calls/called the “ranch” he loved so much as a child, at his grandparents house. He would spend his summers here while the rest of the family went to Florida or wherever. He walked around the property (now owned by another family member) and took it all in.

Family is awesome! This is where we were parked for the next four days….. We’re on the ranch guys! Thank you family for letting us park/camp here!

The four days we had here – a lot happened. Everyone did their own thing during the day in “sets” – Susan and John (cousins) went grave finding while me, Lois, and Debra went to Cumberland Falls (fantastic falls by the way when the river isn’t so high! (Cumberland Falls) on Friday, May 17, 2019.

The river was pretty full so the falls weren’t quite as impressive as normal. But, still a cool place!

Friday night, the ones of us there, went to Pizza Hut for dinner and some of the gang came back to our “campsite” to hang out.

Uncle Ralph wanted to place one of his benches at the family burial spot(s) so Trapper and John planned on pouring concrete the next day, Saturday May 18.

Also, later that evening we get an invite to wine and snacks in his cousins room so we joined and then went to dinner. Dinner was great as more family showed up and here are just some fun pics.

Yep! It was Lida’s idea! And of course her crazy cousin couldn’t help but join in!
Trapper helping Aunt Lois on the bull! Because again, it was Lida’s idea! 🙂
And Lois having fun!

Tomorrow we go set the bench in the concrete and clean up a bit.

So much fun…. and best of all no one got hurt!