The Bench … some reflection … and that crazy wreck!

So today started like most…. everyone left me behind! I just don’t do “early” guys! I gave that up years ago.

So, I knew they were all gathering at the graveyard to set the bench and I got dressed and then walked to the graveyard.

On my walk (all of a half-mile downhill) – I noticed this tree that I’ve driven past a hundred times but this time I stopped and took a picture. I’d never noticed how interesting it is – do you see like seven trunks out of one tree trunk, like me?

I hear someone say, “Is that Lynette? Walking?”

Well, yes it was me! And I found the bench perfectly placed and few photo op’s to come.

We cleared and cleaned some stones, Susan replaced flowers on family graves, and we leveled one – in particular.

I don’t really remember my mom-in-law having a memorial stone placed for Trapper’s son at this spot – but she did.

Jon died on October 20, 2016 – at 28 years old – … I’m gonna get all sobby if I keep writing about that day – so let’s move back to the story.

I had never seen that stone before, right beside his Fry Grandpa, and his body was laid to rest beside his maternal grandfather in OH.

We leveled the memorial stone, cleaned all the headstones and foot-stones and took photo op’s with the bench!

Everyone was leaving the next day (Monday) so we all said our good-bye’s and settled in. We’d had a full day….

Now, remember, we’re in the hills of Kentucky…. as we’d had dinner, headphones on watching Youtube or whatever… settling for the night and I hear a huge screech…. BANG…. and more screech….

What was that?! Trapper asked!

Me…. there was an horrific crash over there! As I’m pointing out toward the street!