OK… The Crazy Wreck and we leave Williamsburg, KY….

Our mission here was done! We reconnected with family, sat a bench at a graveyard, cleaned stones, had a great time and we were settling in…. getting ready for departure tomorrow….

And before tomorrow came…. all of a sudden I hear SCREECH! BAM! SCREECH!

Trapper’s like, “What was that?” I replied, “Someone just had a heck of a wreck in front of the house! We need to go check!”

He runs out. I grab my phone and a flashlight. He’s met with the person living in his Grandparents old house, who has a shotgun in his hand, and as soon as we both got to the street…. a lot of neighbors were out! Everyone heard this crash and everyone within hearing distance was out on the street.

All of a sudden a truck starts up and he’s following the fluid trail – knowing the car isn’t going far with all the fluids coming out of it!!

The tree (the driver) hit was to the right in this photo and it flipped him around backwards into Trapper’s Grandparents driveway. You can see the concrete driveway on the left – and then he took off – see the trail of fluid?

Oh good gracious, there were car parts everywhere! He hit their mailbox first and sent it a good 75 feet, until it hit the house and then he hit the tree. It was a good 2″ – 3″ indentation.

Crazy can happen anywhere. No matter where you are. It was a good emergency drill for us though. It was just a crazy night that could happen anywhere….

According to a couple of the local folks, the man was drunk, had had an argument with the wifey, got ticked, spun off, and wrecked and returned home. Home… was where the police found him.

So, today, May 20, 2019 we’re leaving Williamsburg, KY and heading to Monroe, NC. I told my son we’d be there maybe a week… (let’s see how long we were really there).