It’s Not hard Not to be a tourist… But…!

Once in a while, you’ve got to experience certain things! 🙂 And we do, on occasion.

Disclaimer…. I didn’t know a “Duck Boat” was a thing. Trapper started telling why these boats were put in operation in the first place and some have sunk with tourist on them. They were originally constructed to move troops from ship to land and back…. you can look at that here… Duck Boats WWII if interested.

Once he started telling me this (while I’m in my seat on said duck boat!), I thought, “Ok…. most of this trip is on land, a bit on a calm river, we located the life jackets (as they instruct you to do) and we situated ourselves in the back of the boat. We both said, “If something goes awry, “We’re grabbing two jackets and bailing out of here.”

Remember the line from the Titanic where he was telling her, as the ship was sinking…. “Jump far from the Bow…. don’t get sucked down with the ship!”

You can’t ever be too comfortable. This is why I don’t do roller coasters! I’m strange like that. I can’t jump and swim from a roller coaster.

Our trip was an awesome experience. We were in a clam river and on land the majority of the way. The only waves we caught were from a passing Jet Boat Tour!

Enjoy the pictures! And they honored my husband’s Veteran status with a 20% discount (for both of us)! Don’t be afraid to ask about discounts! Most places have some sort of discount!

Our Boat!

We boarded really quick, as they run several of these continuously, and we left port. Stopped for a short safety briefing in the parking lot – and we were off!

Our adventure started on land and through a fern forest! Gorgeous! We get some details on how fast this boat can travel on land and in water and we get some “cheesy” jokes. 🙂 Wisconsin, cheese – get it?

Our tour guide/driver spotted this baby coyote and I was just curious where Mom was???? It’s dead center the picture.

After some more forestry travels it was time to cross a sandbar. They’ve had so much rain and snow melt here… you could feel the wheels trying to grab hold of solid ground but it was more water. We floated and then drove on up and out!

You see how easy we’re entering the water… well… here comes the next water entry!

This was the longest part of the water tour and we were on the upper side of the Dam… you actually enter right at the Dam.

We cruised by some awesome (water accessible only) features of Wisconsin Dells, WI and had a wonderful one-hour cruise by land and water! I would highly recommend

This company also has shuttles stationed in town if you want to board a shuttle and be driven around the block to boarding place. Also, if you buy you’re tickets online at the link above they have a 20% discount code on their website. I would definitely buy them online! As of this writing tickets were $32.02 for adults.

Here are a few more pictures for you!

I didn’t realize until we got home… a duck boat was what sank in Branson, MO back in June 2018.

Luckily for us, land was never out of reach and we were in an open boat (there were no windows – it was an open canopy setting). We were in a swift moving river but we did have half a plan – just in case we needed some kind of plan. Now I know why Trapper kept pointing safety things out to me.

These are very shallow “boats” – we took on a little water during the big splash down but that was it. Maybe a gallon or two. I can’t imagine being in that enclosed duck boat in Branson, MO in those choppy sizeable waves. My heart still goes out to the families.

For us, luckily, no plan was needed! And we had a great time. Didn’t mean to go dark there at the end, but it’s reality.