A Year Ago Today…. we listed our home FOR SALE…

This time last year I was a nervous wreck deep down inside. To be honest, I was comfortable in my little world, but tired of it – all of it – all at the same time. I think we both were.

I had the comfort of a job, a paycheck, health benefits and a place to call “home”. I knew the area, knew the best prices for everything, and knew my way around without Mr. Google Maps. I knew exactly where the mail would be delivered and where to take the trash!

I had companionship from co-workers and neighbors, talked a lot with others and I had project: get the 5th Wheel remodeled and a house ready to sell and stuff to get rid of.

I still needed to go through my stash of pictures, memorabilia, and those things you just don’t want to get rid and decide to save somehow… but you need to figure out how to keep it all. We still had furniture to figure out, get the kids on board and see if they wanted anything, and the basement flooded the day the realtor was coming! It was a crazy day!! Emotions were running high!

We signed the deal with the realtor on Oct 10, 2019 and a couple days later the photographer came out. I just kept thinking, “This is really happening. We’re listing the house!” Really? The house is going “live” today????

The house went “live” on the interwebs on Oct 16, 2018. I remember being glued to my laptop watching the views on Zillow and Realtor (dot com) and thinking, “This might sell quickly.” But, wait, it’s only a month from the Holiday’s who buys a house over the holiday’s? And just like that we had a showing for the next day and one for the day following. Crap!???? Really???? Are you kiddin’ me???? Showings????

The house did go under contract the second day on the market.

Looking back there was a lot of crazy we did and managed. Let’s look back for a second.

We lived on the subfloor right at three years because we didn’t want to spend the money to re-carpet or hardwood too far in advance of listing. (Some of you readers visited us- in person – while we were on the subfloor!) The subfloor was very easy for me to clean – I simply shop vac’d it! And we both decided against spending the money on hardwoods or laminate – we just stayed on the subflooring as long as possible. We choose pretty inexpensive carpet in the end and it was still the LAST thing we replaced before listing the house.

Some of our time on the subfloor and remodel…

We spent 2017 and most of 2018 remodeling and downsizing …. it was an experience and especially in May of 2018 while going through Trapper’s full hip replacement surgery. For our distance restricted relatives and friends… this is actually what it looked liked. It’s a wonder his home-health nurse didn’t call-us-in as being unsuitable. Looking back it’s actually kinda funny and we get great laughs at the photo’s. But, guys, it was hard work and patience.

Laugh at the photo’s like we do now…. are you ready?

The Living Room at some point
The kitchen at some point
The Foyer was our storage the day the carpet came!
Yep, I got ready for work in this room many times until the work was done.
Our old front guest bedroom… getting ready for carpet.

All of what you’re seeing is what was actually going on and we were living in it!

By this point all the animals on the homestead were sold and were relocated to new properties/hobby farms/etc. Our focus was on our dream of moving into the 5th Wheel.

Here are some pictures of the final product and 2 1/2 years of hard work and within budget to make it all happen.

The master bath before….
The Master Bath after….

That infamous black tub was cured with a little car wax and elbow grease! Who knew?