I’m so ready to land somewhere new as I’m a bit done with southern AZ. I didn’t even mind our travel day – this is a perfect travel day. The sun is out, the traffic is light, we’re ready, and we’re going somewhere new. Travel days do tend to stress me out though; but like […]
We’re back in AZ bouncing around!

You don’t know how much you miss about the rain until you don’t have the rain. I watch a lot of sailing video’s that talk about how they begin to miss the smell of land. I’m starting to get that same feeling about the rain. But the desert did give us a short shower today! […]
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Yuma, AZ and it’s importance!

I knew when we rolled into town the agriculture would get my attention and it did. Little did I know it was the country’s largest producer of “winter lettuce.” The town is also known as being the “sunniest city” in America. We can attest to that. We can actually attest to both. We got out […]
Anxious to Explore Yuma, AZ

Yuma, AZ has been on our radar since before our house sold in 2018 and we hit the road. Just like Quartzsite, AZ was on our radar for various reasons…. so is Yuma. What’s so special about Yuma? Why do the “snowbirds” flock here (pun intended)? These were questions we had and we want to […]
Quartzsite, AZ – Meeting YouTubers/People that have made a difference!

There are times in your life where you must look past yourself for input. Sometimes, it’s total strangers that make a huge impact on your life. We were already camped at La Posa South when Trapper took the dog for a short walk… he came back and said, “Guess who’s here? You’re favorite YT’bers!” Wait […]