Driving Out of our Driveway for the Last Time

After months and months of preparation, living in conditions that seemed a little out of control to the normal person, the day had arrived.

The new owners were going to be at the house at anytime and I felt like I was standing at the edge of a cliff – knowing I had to jump. All the emotions you would have on the edge of a cliff, were exactly the ones I was feeling.

Nervous, excited, curious, happy, sad, relieved, grief, and the list goes on. I kept remembering all the things we had done on our homestead. All the family gatherings, the birthdays, the holiday gathering, all the animals and gardens we’d had, the work we’d put into the place, all of our successes and failures. Everything was running through my mind as we embarked on saying good-bye.

Trapper noticed I was having a bit of a hard time. He walked over and gave me a huge hug and ensured me everything was going to be fine. We talked for a few minutes, teared up and then loaded up the dog, climbed into the truck and at 10:06 a.m., for the last time, we drove out of our driveway.