Holidays on the Road

I never dreamed 2017 Holiday season would be the last one in our house. I never dreamed our house would sell as quickly as it did!

But now with 2018 Holiday season on us – all of us put our heads together to make it a good one.

Thanksgiving was going to be at my son’s house. Christmas at my parents (but 10 days early). I don’t mind early Christmas’. It doesn’t bother me at all.

So we all coordinated Thanksgiving and we made a day trip to Monroe, NC to my sons house. Him and his girlfriend did a fantastic job at preparing the food and we showed up with mac n’ cheese and deviled eggs.

Christmas was going to be in Knoxville, TN at my parents house. One child was traveling from Monroe, one from Morganton, and us from Charleston.

We all piled in at mom and dad’s and I really think they had a great time with all the kids and grandkids there. My brother and his family came over and we had a great meal and great family time!

We had a crowd! Good food and memories!

If you’re wondering… here were the extent of my Christmas decorations this year in the RV. I’ll do better next year!

Although it didn’t look like Christmas – it still felt like it and that’s all that matters!