Hot Wells Dunes Recreation Area – BLM Land

We left White Sands and decided to try a place called Hot Wells Dunes Rec Area. This is BLM area but there was a $3/night charge. We paid $1.50 because of that Senior Pass I keep talking about.

The main attraction here are hot wells to soak in. Nice concrete bottom wells with really naturally warm water filling them. There are no amenities here other than vault toilets. If you decide to come here, bring with you what you need. There are no stores for miles and miles.

The worst part of this place is the drive in. Twenty-five miles will take at least an hour. Most of it is washboard and then you get to the pavement which is riddled with pot holes. Our max speed was about 10 mph!

The scenery on the drive was breathtaking!

No pictures here because we got in a little late and were leaving the next morning. Next, we head to Cochise Stronghold.