Joshua Tree National Park was in the top 10 coolestest places I’ve seen yet. It’s diverse. It reminds me of Big Bend National Park in TX. It’s a lot of hiking, getting lost in nature, getting lost in your own thoughts, just loosing yourself.
We went to the park three days during our 14 day stay here. Our boondocking location was about half-way between the North and West Entrance. 29Palms, CA was one entrance and Joshua Tree CA was the other. Our first visit was on a Sunday and the line in was over a mile long but moved quickly.
Our second time and third time in were on Tuesday and Thursday and there were NO lines! No stalled traffic, no huge crowds. It was perfect!
The first thing we spotted was in the Boulder area of the park was rock climbers! Oh my gosh… this skill is unbelievable! Small kids up there, Dad’s hanging onto rocks to capture a picture of child climbing up and Mom holding the ropes down below! Amazing. I wish I could rewind time and do this with my kids. These folks are awesome to watch!

Like I said, the first day was Sunday so we just hung out here watching the rock climbers! Amazingly skilled folks!
The second day I was a bit more prepared. Water, Lunch, and a Plan!
But first we tried our own exploring! A little rock climbing! LOL

We choose to do the southern route and visit Keys View. Here you can actually see the Salton Sea (35 miles away), the San Andreas fault line, and where two deserts meet, and Palm Springs, CA. All from about 6,000 ft.

One of our days we simply explored what we called Joshua Tree National Forest because there were so many. It was literally a forest of Joshua Tree’s…. spectacular.

And how can you argue with the sunsets? I don’t think you can.
Next we’ll take you into the quaint town of Joshua Tree, CA…….
Thanks for the update on your amazing trip, I mean, journey.