My Trip to the Trauma unit during COVID-19 – Part 1

Let me digress to April 13, 2020. We had made the decision March 14, 2020 to head 2200 miles back “home” when the run on stores started happening, COVID 19 was becoming a daily term and campgrounds/BLM/state campgrounds, etc started closing. We didn’t want to be those people stuck in the desert! Right? I’ll link that post (here) at some point. And I’ll share it once I write it.

Back to April 13, 2020. We were safely situated on our friends property and I just went to run errands. Grocery store primarily. I was back in SC with familiar stores, apps for local stores, deals, and I was just running around stocking up for the week.

I was also amazed at the changes that were being made…. one way grocery aisles, enter one door only, exit one door only…. mask, hand sanitizer, that kinda thing. You all remember, right? Oh! Hand Sanitizer… there was NONE, TP there was none,…. paper products were no where to be found. Remember? It was straight craziness.

Trapper and I had had a conversation a few days before that pretty much said, “The last place we want to end up is in the hospital right now! Be careful with everything you’re doing….”

So again, I’m out running errands…. the last one was Bi-Lo in Clover, SC. I parked the Jeep, got my debit card, dr license, glasses, and keys. I left my purse in the Jeep. I hate lugging that thing around.

This is how quickly things can go south on you.

I walk into the store and I’m fine! I’m on a mission, right? I’ve got gloves on (no mask – they were still questionable at the time…. as you all recall… the stores are closed unless their not, mask don’t work… unless they do… kinda thing, and I’m doing my shopping.

I had a really short list. Not much at all. So I make it through the produce section and round the aisle to the chips. This is where things get strange. As I am perusing the aisle looking for Trapper his favorite snack food – all of a sudden my brain starts flickering. Literally flickering. Short circuiting.

Objects (bags of chips) are flashing close to me and then far from me. Back and forth and back and forth – in rapid succession. I remember walking down the aisle, feeling weird, bending over to gain blood flow to my head, and then back up the aisle.

I knew something was up. I wish, now, I’d just laid down on the floor. It would have saved me the next 3 days of experiences that I never wanted and can’t seem to shake and forget.

In the meantime. I recall walking to the end of the aisle and turning to my left…. and then lights OUT! I went down and I must have gone down hard.

To be continued….