We’re driving through THAT? Cochise Stronghold

We haven’t experienced an ugly drive since we arrived out west. This one didn’t disappoint either. We left the Hot Wells area and moved over to Cochise Stronghold. BLM land on W. Ironwood Dr.

The drive up to the dispersed camping area was fantastic. No matter where you looked – there was a view! I had read all the reviews on this camping area and everyone said the same thing… quite, dispersed, and some sites have fire rings. There are no amenities here and the last stores of any kind are in Willcox, AZ.

We were making our way up the mountain on this little curvy road, chit chatting, and wondering what we’d find? All of a sudden we round a bend, Trapper’s looking off in the distance and I yell, “Stop!”

None of the reviews mentioned THIS!

All that was going through my mind was, “Don’t drown – turn around!” But, that wasn’t an option. A mountain to our left and a drop off to our right. Was backing up and option – ummmm…. it was uphill, around a bend, and down a curvy little road.

We talked about our only real option – which was to drive through it. But, before we did that we got out and walked around it.

Trapper came back to the truck and said, “I’ll just have to hug the right, it’s not as deep there.” I was far from convinced and not feeling real comfortable about now. I said, “Well, ok, but neither of us know how deep it is in the middle!” So he jumps out and wades through it.

The water was almost to his knees! I was watching this thinking – did I really sign-up for this? What if we get bogged down? What if it rains and we can’t get back out of here! We’re in the middle of nowhere!

He got back to the truck and said the bottom was solid, we’d hug the right side, and power on up the hill in front of us.

That’s probably the most nervous I’ve been since we hit the road. I didn’t like this at all – but there was no other option. We had a 50/50 chance and I knew he wouldn’t put us all at risk, the truck, or the camper. But, we weigh a lot!

For me, it was like ripping a bandaid off! I saw him put the truck in 4-wheel High, I closed my eyes and held on! Once the truck got out of the water he accelerated some to pull the trailer on through. And it was over! We made it!!

We drove about a mile up this dirt road and came to a Public Land sign at a fork in the road. Not knowing exactly where we were going, we decided to get out and walk up to the area where we could see other campers. Got up there and found a good site that he could back us right into!

I was ready for this day to be done! All I wanted was for us to be parked on solid ground! And we were!

We were only staying overnight so we didn’t even unhook from the trailer. The spot was relatively level and very comfortable.

I heard someone pull in next to us about 10 p.m. Next morning, looked out and it was a young couple living in a van. They were rock climbers and just needed a place for the night. They commented on the water crossing! They said they got out and walked it too – it was dark when they came through there!

Tomorrow we go to Tucson, AZ to see one of Trapper’s oldest friends that he’s not seen in 10 years!

2 Replies to “We’re driving through THAT? Cochise Stronghold”

  1. Did you have to drive through it on the way out?

  2. I grew up in north eastern New Mexico and loved going south. White sands was a favorite. Even growing up there I didn’t know about the hor wells. My wife and I are thinking about spending a month re-exploring NM. Great description of the area.

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