Yuma, AZ and it’s importance!

I knew when we rolled into town the agriculture would get my attention and it did. Little did I know it was the country’s largest producer of “winter lettuce.” The town is also known as being the “sunniest city” in America. We can attest to that. We can actually attest to both.

We got out and drove around a bit today and yes…. most of the lettuce is picked and packaged right in the field and then carted off to a cooling warehouse. There are several around here.

The green leafy produce is done the same way… Brocolli is harvested by machine and it looks like the machine knows where the end of the stalk is and cuts off the stalks. Leaving the rest of plant to be tilled under. The fields are super clean, super organized, super rotated, and then off to be packaged. Quite the experience for us being former Homesteaders.

The ground here looks desolate. It looks like plain desert until you run upon a farm with irrigation and workers. The workers are transported on “farm buses” normally pulling a trailer with Porta Potty’s. It’s quite the operation.

We also found this quaint little roadside market and decided to check prices.

I’ve paid $2 a pepper before!
Really? This lemon looks the size of an orange !

We are covered by fields of lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, citrus, palm tree farms, collards, green onions, and all the packaged “name brands” you’re accustomed to in the rest of the rest of the country… this time of year, their coming out of this area of the USA.

Yuma’s website…. if you’re interested in knowing where you’re leafy greens are coming from in the winter months… it’s an interesting read, I must say. I’m glad I have the opportunity to experience it!

Yuma, AZ

Tomorrow we go check out Los Algodones, MX for prescription meds, prices on dental, optical, etc. Stay tuned.